Ed Ruscha *
(Omaha 1937 geb.)
Gasoline Stations
10 Silbergelatine-Abzüge, jeweils auf originalen Portfolio-Karton montiert
Größen der Bildmotive variieren, Blattgröße je 49,5 x 58,4 cm
jeweils rückseitig mit Bleistift signiert und datiert: Ed Ruscha 1962-1989
(Aufnahmen von 1962, Portfolio realisiert 1989),
jeweils rückseitig gestempelt mit der jeweiligen Bildlokalisierung und Editionsnummer („A.P“).
Artist Proofs aus einer Edition von 25 plus 8 Artist Proofs.
Provenienz: Privatsammlung Tirol
Gasoline Stations 1962 is a compilation oft ten gelatin silver prints from twentysix Gasoline Stations, 1963, one of Ed Ruschas most renowned photography books. In 1989 Ruscha made his first new edition of photographic works offered as a portfolio in a limited editon of twentyfive. In these works, Ruscha continues a distinguished lineage of Americon art that finds inspiration in popular American subjects. When it occurred to him that this vast expanse of southwest America was mostly unknown to others, he set out to make the information more widely available. With titles indicating the stations name and location, the photographs present a glimpse at the banality of the still developing southwestern landscape of the 1960s. In these images, Ruscha combines the literalness of early California pop art with a deaepan photographic aesthetic informed by minimalist sequence an seriality.